Jet Pulverizer Automation Packages Allow You to Upgrade Your New or Existing Jet Mill for Unattended Operation and In-process Continuous Monitoring.
Jet mill operation can be monitored and controlled with Jet Pulverizer’s Automatic Pressure Header (APH). Replacing a manual ball valve plumbing fixture, we substitute a fixture with a combination of 3 automatic ball valves with 3 pressure transmitters. These devices can be connected to your plant DCS or to a local PLC control. With additional peripheral devices, systems monitored are air pressure supply, product feeder level monitoring, feeder refill signaling, and blowback detection to assure more confident, steady state operation. The APH provides capability for remote automatic startup, continuous monitoring, and shut down of the jet mill line allowing for unattended operation.
Our Monitor-Master control package provides local PLC control of your jet mill operation. The Monitor-Master panel is wired to Jet Pulverizer’s Automatic Pressure Header and to other peripheral devices for control of a single jet mill line and to allow for unattended operation. The panel has an HIM display and gives audible and visual warnings of monitored system faults. The panel allows for programmed 1-button startup, continuous monitoring, E-Stop, and automatic shutdown. The panel provides both local PLC control and has an Ethernet port for connection to your plant.